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It can be too easy to forget to take care of our mental health, but that does not make any less important to our wellbeing. The GPs at Maddington General Practice are very supportive in caring for mental health issues.

The World Health Organization reports that 1 in 13 people suffer globally from some form of anxiety, and 1 in 20 people report having an episode of depression yearly. At Maddington General Practice, we recognize that mental health issues impact many in our community, and we stand ready to help.

What Care Do You Offer?

If you are experiencing problems related to anxiety or depression, our GPs can help you with a range of options. These include:

When your GP provides you with a GP Mental Health Care Plan (GPMP), you will be eligible to then receive a Medicare rebate of approximately $84 per visit to a psychologist. This will help to facilitate affordable access to a psychologist so that you can focus on taking care of your mental health, and not on the costs.