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We know that kids can be energetic and that mild illnesses and the odd scrape or bump is just another part of being a kid. However, we also know that as a parent you want to provide the best care for your child and ensure they grow up happy and healthy. At Maddington Village General Practice, we provide high quality care with confidence, so that you can have peace of mind that if you do become worried about your child’s health, we are there to help.

Our confidence in our quality of care stems from our trained GPs, most of who have a special interest in paediatric medicine, or a Diploma in Child Health.

Our GPs provide acute and ongoing medical care for children on-site but are also well connected to several specialists and hospitals (both public and private) should a referral or specialist health management be required.

What Care Do You Offer?

We can provide the following specialized child health services:

  • Management of common childhood infections (ear infections, tonsillitis, skin infection, etc.)
  • Routine immunisations
  • Healthy Kids Check for children aged 3-5, who have received or receiving their four-year-old immunisations.
  • Management of childhood medical conditions (asthma, eczema, etc.)
  • Management of adolescent medical conditions (acne, depression, anxiety, etc.)…rica-pret/

If your child is experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should urgently see your doctor:

  • Unusually drowsy 
  • Difficult breathing
  • Skin is pale or blue
  • Won’t drink, is not passing urine, or – if they are in nappies – has less than half the usual number of wet nappies
  • Repeated vomiting